lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

...Vanishing with Days...

Is This Me?<br/>
When I was meant to be,
Longer the years expected beside Youuuuuuuu!?
If you're not beside me,
Nothing crawling and spinning inside you,
Nothing to gane nothing to lose,
Falling away with the very breath you take from me,

Vanishing with days

Lonely as you pray,
but nothing ends forever,
I will not regret,
The days, it seems wherever
I run to lose your trace,
But nothing keeps the same,
You're not here, we are not together...

Somewhere your trace vanishing with days...

I've been your entertaiment,
Back in the yesterday, you already forget,
Don't try to scape from your feelings for me,
Falling again and again to the deep,
I have lost my way (without You)
Captivating my inspiration,
Dying with every breathe,
I tried to say,

Lonely as you pray,
but nothing ends forever,
I will not regret,
The days, it seems wherever
I run to lose your trace,
But nothing keeps the same,
You're not here, we are not together...

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